12 Sectors with the greatest potential for entrepreneurship


Gamco Team

Business opportunities are everywhere and many times we do not know which are the sectors with the greatest potential for entrepreneurship. You just need to know how to look around you but if you are looking for information on sectors with greater opportunities, be sure to read our article because we indicate the 12 most important sectors with the greatest potential.

12 Sectors with the greatest potential for entrepreneurship

Big Data

Data is the raw material of the 21st century. Companies invest immense amounts of capital to get all the information about their customers and competitors. This is why companies, such as GAMCOwho know how to collect this data and give it a meaning so that it can be monetized.

Artificial intelligence and software services

Artificial intelligence and software services is one of the most promising sectors for entrepreneurship. Companies focused on its development are revolutionizing both the way we do business and the way we relate to each other in society as we conceive it. Human resources, medicine and retail are some of the most innovative sectors thanks to the implementation of AI. 

For a proper digital transformation of companies it is necessary to have customized software services. In software development, the SaaS (Software as a Service) area is of particular importance, in which customers have a series of solutions hosted in the cloud. In this way, they do not have to extend resources for their installation. 

► You may also be interested in: How artificial intelligence impacts software as a service (SaaS) companies 

Sustainable and collaborative mobility

The current context is marked by Mobility as a Service (Maas), which has come to fundamentally change the way we move.


With the digital transformation and the incorporation of new technologies into our daily lives, cyber-attacks have increased. This has caused organizations to invest more and more in cybersecurity.

Health (eHealth) and sports 

Concern for health and well-being goes hand in hand, in many cases, with digitalization, and technology is providing diverse solutions to improve people's quality of life. In fact, innovation in healthcare is one of the booming sectors for entrepreneurship: biotechnology, biomedicine, etc.

The evolution towards a healthy lifestyle is also opening up a multitude of business fronts for the sports and related industries, such as food, clothing and gadgets.

In short, tailored services that meet wellness-related needs are a booming business opportunity.


Online training is here to stay and is a sure bet for entrepreneurship. Just look at how distance learning platforms have multiplied in recent months in the wake of the pandemic.

12 Sectors with the greatest potential for entrepreneurship

In addition, online training makes it possible to combine work and personal life from anywhere in the world if you have access to a device with an Internet connection.

Video games and entertainment

Sales figures are growing because the target audience has expanded to people of all ages. Added to this is the rise of eSports and the gamer phenomenon.

Consumer and retail

Let's look exclusively at the exponential growth of e-commerce, which is generating great opportunities and new business models. In fact, a multitude of digital native brands are emerging. 

Shipping and delivery

Closely related to the previous point, logistics, shipping and delivery are experiencing their best moment thanks to the e-commerce boom. Customers need fast and secure shipments. SMEs have an excellent business opportunity in this area.  


The Fintech are start-ups or technology-based companies dedicated to the financial field. Digital transformation has made it possible for us to completely change the way we understand financial services. Traditional banking, in fact, is accelerating its digitalization plans to gain efficiency in the face of new platforms. One of the biggest opportunities lies in cryptocurrencies and the emergence of decentralized digital currencies leveraged on blockchain technology.

In any case, apart from the digital transformation, in the medium and long term we will see the decentralization of the financial sector. The purpose of a Fintech is to create a monetary service that is easy to interact with and standardized in price, with the aim of expanding both the number of customers and the number of companies and investors.


The food and agriculture sector has also joined the digital transformation. In the aftermath of the pandemic, it has become clear that reliable alternatives for growing, processing, transporting and marketing food are essential. 

AgroTech is a new way of understanding agriculture, where technological advances are integrated to maximize production while minimizing the environmental footprint.


The last sector that we bring to you for entrepreneurship is Proptech. These are real estate companies adapted to a digital context and whose objective is to democratize access to information for decision-making. Also included here are investment platforms that allow people to interact without the need for an intermediary. In this way, extra costs are avoided because owners can rent and sell their properties directly.


The incorporation of artificial intelligence solutions in companies is causing a radical change in the market and in the way of interpreting the opportunities for starting a business or improving the product or service provided by companies.

For example, artificial intelligence can help us detect under-served customers, i.e. customers whose needs are only partially met, based on their search or browsing history. In this way, we can focus our sales, acquisition and loyalty efforts on satisfying these unmet market needs. Likewise, with the implementation of AI solutions in our businesses, we can delimit segments of super-served customers, which are those who consider the offer available in the market to be excessive and are looking for a simpler offer, but with better prices. A clear example would be low cost airlines.

With regard to the improvement of customer loyalty processes, GAMCO has developed SAILThe solution has been proven in large companies in the FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) and distribution sectors, where commercial channels have been developed, with very significant returns, rapid deployments and no impact on the companies' current systems.

► You may also be interested in: AI for customer loyalty 

SAIL is an artificial intelligence solution that can be applied to any business, regardless of its size. SAIL estimates the potential of your customers and increases sales by automatically obtaining knowledge and self-adjusting predictive models to improve decision-making processes. In addition, it has an abandonment prediction module with which you can detect repeating behavior patterns in order to improve the understanding of the final customer and, thanks to the collection of quantitative and qualitative information, avoid customer abandonment and its cause.

The technology deployed by SAIL provides at all times valuable data to determine what to offer, to which customers, how to do it and at what time. Therefore, SAIL allows:

  • Attract new customers.
  • Identify business opportunities by customer type.
  • Optimize commercial levers by customer type.
  • Optimize campaigns and promotions.
  • Predict customer churn up to 60 days in advance.
Back to the beginning of the series of articles: Artificial Intelligence to sell more and better: customer development and customer loyalty.
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