Artificial intelligence against delinquency and non-payments in companies

Roberto Galiana

Gamco's New Channel Business Development Manager

The current scenario we are experiencing in Spain with the COVID-19 health crisis has caused many companies to have to carry out ERES, ERTES and even close the shutters after so long in business. The crisis has been the trigger that has caused that, according to sources of the ABC newspaperIn the last twelve months, up to 43% of Spanish companies have suffered a non-payment in the last twelve months.

artificial intelligence against non-payment

Uncollected invoices are the biggest problem SMEs have to deal with and large companies today. These payment delays have come to produce a direct cost to the business fabric of 1,967 million euros in the last months of 2020.

These situations, which are becoming more frequent every day, mean that the periods elapsing from the agreed date of payment of the invoice are lengthening. The periods have been lengthening since the beginning of the healthcare crisis. In the last quarter of 2020 there was a delay of 77.23 days after the due date of the invoice.

These figures have been increasing until reaching a record 93.23 days of non-payment in companies when the terms established in our legal system are at a maximum of 60 days. Many companies can no longer bear these delays in payment as they do not have sufficient liquidity to continue with their daily activity and are forced to leave the market.

In addition, company risk indicators have also seen strong growth during this health crisis. More than 55% of companies have been identified as high or medium-high risk, meaning that they tend to make payments more than 90 days late after the invoice due date.

This crisis has called into question the trust between business-customer relationships and many companies are already looking for innovative solutions to manage and deal with these payment problems.

Artificial intelligence against delinquency and non-payments in companies

Gamco against late payments and non-payments in companies thanks to Artificial Intelligence

From GamcoWith more than 10 years of experience in the development of software solutions based on artificial intelligence for trade optimization and advanced risk management. With our ARM solutionWe have been able to deploy a scalable solution with which we are able to predict the number of defaults in the healthy customer portfolio.

Our algorithms of artificial intelligence against delinquency and non-payments The company's systems are designed to detect, in a preventive manner, the number of customers who will default on their payments in the coming months. 

Our solution has two main focuses. On the one hand, it focuses on detecting and forecasting problems with customer payments and, on the other hand, on how to avoid or mitigate the impact of predicted defaults. All this deployed on a Cloud platform, easily integrated with the company's current systems.

ARM optimizes return on investment, ensures maintenance, transparency of data and results, as well as future growth. In short, a solution within everyone's reach that aims to predict defaults. If you want to know how Gamco can help you improve your results, just access our contact form.

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