Social network analysis

Concept and definition

Social network analysis

What is Social network analysis?

Social network analysis (SNA) is a data analysis technique used to study the relationships between individuals, groups and organisations in social networks. The technique is based on social network theory, which focuses on the analysis of interactions between actors in a network.

Social network analysis can be used to study online social networks, such as online social networks (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn), as well as offline social networks, such as personal and work networks.

Social network analysis involves the use of algorithms and data mining tools to analyse social network data and obtain information about the structure of the network and the relationships between actors. Some of the measures used in social network analysis include centrality, density, degree and modularity

Social network analysis is used in a variety of applications, such as marketing, online reputation management, market research, risk management, counter-terrorism and crime. For example, companies can use social media analytics to identify opinion leaders in their industry and to identify trends in social media that may affect their brand.

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