Simulation is a computational process that mimics the behaviour of an often complex system or process using a mathematical or statistical model. In the context of artificial intelligence and machine learning, simulation can be used to train and validate machine learning models in controlled situations before applying them in the real world. Simulation can also be useful for modelling and simulating the behaviour of complex systems, such as traffic, economy or climate, which can provide valuable information for decision-making.
Normally the acronym NPLs (Non Performing Loans) is used in the financial sector and is a reality in Spanish banks as well as in banks [...].
Read More »As a consequence of this pandemic and economic situation in which we have found ourselves for the last two years, with the intention of better protecting the [...]
Read More »Data Mining is a process of exploration and analysis of large amounts of data, with the objective of discovering patterns, relationships and trends that can be [...]
Read More »In this article we are going to focus on how artificial intelligence (AI) can increase efficiency and reduce costs for your company by [...]
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