Shopping cart analysis

Concept and definition

Shopping cart analysis

What is Shopping cart analysis?

Market basket analysis is a data mining technique used to analyse patterns in products that are sold together in a shop or on an e-commerce site. The objective is to identify relationships between products that are frequently purchased together and to use this information to improve business decision-making.

Shopping basket analysis is used in a variety of business applications, such as optimising the layout of products in a shop or website, customer segmentation and product recommendation. The technique can also be used to detect fraud in e-commerce transactions.

Shopping cart analysis is used in a variety of business applications, such as optimizing the layout of products in a store or website, customer segmentation and product recommendation. The technique can also be used to detect fraud in e-commerce transactions.

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CDRs contain data that a telecommunications company collects about phone calls, such as time and length of call. This data can be used in analytical applications.
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