Pattern Recognition

Concept and definition

Pattern Recognition

What is Pattern Recognition?

Pattern recognition (PR) is a branch of artificial intelligence and machine learning that focuses on identifying and extracting patterns in data. It is a technique that seeks to find regularities or structures in data that allow it to be classified or modeled more efficiently.

RP is used in a wide variety of applications, such as computer vision, speech processing, biomedical signal analysis, data mining, and fraud detection, among others. For example, in computer vision, RP is used to detect objects in images and videos, while in speech processing, it is used to recognize speech patterns and transform them into text.

The PR process generally involves extracting features from the data and applying machine learning algorithms to identify meaningful patterns in the data. These patterns can be used to classify new data or to create predictive models.

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CDRs contain data that a telecommunications company collects about phone calls, such as time and length of call. This data can be used in analytical applications.
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