Association rule learning is a data mining technique used to discover patterns and relationships between different variables in large datasets. This technique is used to discover rules that relate different elements in a dataset. These rules are based on the frequency of occurrence of certain elements or sets of elements in the data. Association rule learning is often used in applications such as shopping basket analysis, where it seeks to discover patterns in the products that customers buy together in order to provide personalised recommendations.
There is a consensus among executives of the world's leading companies about the crucial impact that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have on the [...]
Read More »Once the basic concepts for building a commercial software with artificial intelligence are clear, where it is defined to whom to dedicate effort and [...]
Read More »Business opportunities are everywhere and many times we do not know which are the sectors with the greatest potential for entrepreneurship.
Read More »The term artificial intelligence (AI) is nowadays, but it was invented in 1956 by John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude Shannon in the famous [...]
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