Our core competencies are Artificial Intelligence companies in Mexico that have predictive solutions for application development, data capture and exploitation.
Our main objective is to bring AI capabilities to all companies, with SaaS deployments that ensure minimum time, non-intrusive to systems, at reasonable prices and with very significant returns.
We offer Artificial Intelligence software that automates processes, improves decision making and produces unique and up-to-date results for companies in Mexico, Latin America or Europe.
We make the products and services provided by companies better and also better meet the needs of their customers.
We have extensive experience in various fields of application of the Artificial Intelligence in Mexican companies. More than 20 years of experience in AI, databases, web applications and Big Data technologies. Some of the techniques we develop in the field of Artificial Intelligence are:
Artificial Neural Networks, Behavioural Patterns, Genetic Algorithms, Deep LearningSelf-Growing Models, Learning Vector Quantification and Model Predictive Control.