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Reducing Churn and improving customer satisfaction with predictive forecasting
Churn, or customer churn rate, represents a constant challenge for today's businesses. The ability to retain existing customers not only ensures consistent revenues, but also builds a loyal customer base. In this context, we will explain in detail how companies can use prediction and forecasting to [...]
How Artificial Intelligence applied to CRM improves customer experience
Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of properly analyzing and managing the huge amount of data they store day after day to ensure their productivity. Therefore, companies are obliged to build a "healthy data culture" if they want not only to grow, but also to survive the market and the [...]
Main branches of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence (AI) derives from a series of models or branches that can be used in different areas of people's lives as well as in the professional world to automate processes that, carried out in the traditional way, can be unproductive, inefficient, slow or costly. Each sub-field of Artificial Intelligence is found [...]
The role of machine learning in fraud detection
Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that is based on making a system capable of learning from experience, autonomously, without the need to be programmed by humans. This means that the more data we provide it with, the higher level of accuracy it will develop. It is [...]
Best Deep Learning applications and software
Deep learning translates as deep learning and is a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that is encompassed within machine learning and has proven to be very effective in pattern recognition, data classification and decision making. It trains a system to perform tasks such as [...]
Transformers is a deep learning model for natural language processing (NLP) that uses a transformer-based attention architecture. It was introduced in 2017 by Google AI researchers Vaswani et al. The Transformer architecture is based on an encoder-decoder neural network that is used for PLN tasks, [...]
Hybrid models
Hybrid models are artificial intelligence models that combine different machine learning techniques to improve performance and prediction accuracy. These models combine features from different machine learning models and algorithms to take advantage of their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. Hybrid models are often used in machine learning applications to [...]
LSTM: Long short-term memory
LSTM (Long short-term memory) is a type of recurrent neural network (RNN) used in deep learning to process and predict data sequences. LSTM was designed to address the problem of gradient fading in traditional recurrent neural networks, which occurs when error is backpropagated through [...]
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