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NPLs and recovery of delinquent portfolios
Normally the acronym NPLs (Non Performing Loans) is used in the financial field and is a reality in Spanish banks as well as in international banks. This specific term is used to refer to loans and especially not for something positive, but is used to refer to non-performing loan portfolios.... Today [...]
6 real-world examples of Machine Learning
Typically, Machine Learning is used to solve business problems in various sectors and areas where different algorithms are applied to automate processes and suggest the best solutions adapted to the needs of companies. This AI space was developed from the mixture of different areas of knowledge such as: [...]
The 5 Challenges of Big Data in Machine Learning
5 challenges of Big Data can be highlighted which are defined as V (volume, velocity, veracity, variety and value). R. Narasimhan discussed 3V as volume, variety and velocity, while F. J. Ohlhorst studied Big Data considering 4V, which are volume, variety, velocity and veracity. Alexandra L'heureux also described the challenges faced by [...]
Qualified lead generation for new customer acquisition using AI
Today we are going to talk about the generation of qualified leads for the acquisition of new customers through AI. At Gamco we develop AI-based software for advanced risk management and business optimization. In recent years we have deployed our solutions in large corporations, being able to analyze huge amounts of data. [...]
Differences: Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are two of the most popular technologies used to build intelligent systems. Although they are related technologies and are sometimes used as synonyms, both describe different aspects and fields of application. That's why today we explain these terms and what are the main differences between them.
3 contributions of Artificial Intelligence to the telecommunications sector
Artificial intelligence is increasingly used and applied in many sectors, and, of course, it has made a strong entry into the telecommunications sector. In fact, the application of AI in this field is becoming increasingly popular. Communications service providers have turned to companies that offer artificial intelligence [...]
Clustering for data analysis
Clustering methods, or grouping, are a fundamental part of the data analysis process, since they allow an automatic segmentation of the information from which valuable conclusions can be drawn. Due to their importance, they have been widely studied, hence the existence of hundreds of algorithms and different ways of classifying them(1). [...]
What is Artificial Intelligence doing today for the financial sector?
The Official Chamber of Commerce of Seville, in collaboration with the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts (IEAF), offered last March 16, 2022 a conference under the title "What does Artificial Intelligence do today for the financial sector?" The presentation was given by Fernando Pavón, CEO of Gamco, who, in a [...]
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