Encoded data

Concept and definition

Encoded data

What is Encoded data?

Encoded data refers to data that has been transformed from its original format into a different, structured format, so that it can be processed more efficiently and effectively by an artificial intelligence or machine learning system.

Data encoding is an important process in data pre-processing, as it allows data to be more easily read and understood by machine learning algorithms. Some common examples of data encoding include encoding class labels as integers, transforming categorical values into binary numeric values (as in one-hot encoding), or normalising numeric values to fall within a specific range (as in min-max normalisation).

Coded data is important because it allows artificial intelligence or machine learning models to work more efficiently and effectively with the data, which can significantly improve the accuracy and performance of the model.

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CDRs contain data that a telecommunications company collects about phone calls, such as time and length of call. This data can be used in analytical applications.
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